As a designated Strategic Outer London Development Centre (SOLDC), our airport is a catalyst for economic development, playing a pivotal role in bringing tangible benefits and prosperity to businesses, residents and stakeholders.
A 2024 independent study by Lichfields found that London Biggin Hill Airport has a significant impact on driving positive economic change, investment and employment both locally and nationally. The findings show that:
generated for the UK economy in 2023
supported by the airport and related businesses in 2023 – with 1,760 jobs directly at the airport, an increase of 80% since 2012
for every 1,000 air traffic movements
As the heartbeat of business aviation in London, London Biggin Hill Airport is focused on driving inward investment to facilitate the creation of jobs, opportunities and economic growth, both locally and nationally.
The data from this report showcases how far the airport has come in the last decade, and the exciting future we are working towards. We’ve seen a significant increase in jobs since 2012 and contributed £200 million to the UK economy in 2023. We continue to strengthen community relationships and are proud to play a pivotal role in national and global infrastructure.
The Lichfield report highlights the potential for the airport to make an even greater contribution in the future as we continue to attract new business, build ongoing investment, and drive positive change.
David Winstanley, CEO
London Biggin Hill Airport generated £200 million to the UK economy in 2023 and has the potential to deliver more than £630 million in the future.
With indirect and induced supply chain effects considered, this translates to £142.9 million (72%) captured within the London Borough of Bromley, directly benefitting local residents, and £154 million within London.
We are one of Bromley’s largest employers and remain committed to ensuring job creation is at the heart of our current and future strategies.
In 2023, the airport and related businesses supported 2,692 full-time equivalent (‘FTE’) jobs, with 1,760 of these directly at the airport – an increase of 80% since 2012.
It is estimated that 91.2% of the jobs supported by the airport’s day-to-day activities are held by employees living within Greater London, Kent or Surrey.
Over the last decade, sustained investment in new hangars and infrastructure has attracted global business to the region. We have a thriving ecosystem of 70 companies on-site, including Bombardier and Formula One, both major tech innovators in their fields.
In 2022-2023, the airport and on-site businesses spent £155.7 million in the UK – with £28.5 million spent within the London Borough of Bromley.
Propelling towards an exciting future
As we look forward, London Biggin Hill Airport stands poised at the threshold of an exciting future. We are focused on investing in the airport estate and infrastructure to create job opportunities and provide an economic boost to the region; enhancing our position as a centre for technology and innovation.
If future plans are supported, it is predicted that London Biggin Hill Airport has the potential to support up to 7,649 jobs nationally and generate £636 million GVA for the UK economy.
If including the supply chain and wider labour market, the airport could support 5,796 jobs at Bromley level – that’s 5.1% of the Borough’s workforce – generating up to £492.6 million GVA locally.